Everyone is thinking about it. Multinational companies are exploring flexible childcare services for their employees, whilst independent childcare providers are integrating workspaces for the growing number of self-employed and flexible workers. As pioneers in this sector, we're ready to support your venture to develop similar services. Whether you're a nursery, a co-working space, or a business looking to support employees, all of the knowledge on how to provide excellent flexible childcare - and the software to enable it - still exists. I’m already sharing this with projects all over the UK – and I’m available for consultation on all aspects: setup, principles, government regulation, running costs – and the obstacles. Our online booking system can be licensed for you to use under your brand. and I am available to share/consult on developing such a venture. We're at a revolutionary point for modern families and the childcare system, and this is your opportunity to learn from the pioneers in this movement.
To contact Elizabeth regarding any discussions and consultations about how to provide outstanding flexible childcare contact her at elizabeth@officreche.com or 07957555125
Thank you